workshop by Gilles Welinski
Every morning approximately 2,5 hours there was a warming up preparing the group physically to dance. The awareness of the body was very important point there (flexibility, energy, coordination…). The problem was to integrate all the participants in the exercise at the same time because they had different level of dancing skills. When all the participants were concentrated it was possible to enjoy the dance and share the confidence with the group. The group treated the workshops seriously and they were really motivated to take part. The workshops leader tried to propose various activities that the group was all the time involved. The aim was not to show the best style but to open their minds and develop themselves. The group was small enough so the workshop leader could work with each person individually.
In the afternoon they were preparing the performance in the bunker. Already in the beginning the trainer wanted to work in the bunker that the group gets to know and is aware of the place. Each dancer had the possibility to choose a space in the bunker and get used to it. They were preparing a choreographic dance phrase. The task was to find a individual association with each letter of the alphabet and create a short dance movement connected with it. For the trainer it was important that the participants find the relation between the background and the form of each association. They were all the time involved and the trainer was impressed by their work and engagement.
During the 35 minutes performance on Saturday in the bunker the participants showed their best and really opened themselves to the public. The whole performance the dancers were very concentrated and even the moments of breaks they were still in their roles.
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